Parent consultations will take place from Wednesday 11th Dec- Friday 13th Dec for those families who have not yet seen their child's key worker. We look forward to meeting with you!

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    Health & Safety

    Home -> Key Information -> Health & Safety

    All staff have Food Hygiene certificates and all staff are trained in Paediatric First Aid.

    Our Forest School Leader is trained in Outdoor First Aid.

    Our building is secure and is a safe place for your child to learn. We have electronic gates and doors, so that children are kept safe. We carry out regular Evacuation and Lockdown Drills, so that staff children know what to do in an emergency. We carry out regular risk assessments and safety checks on all equipment. We ask you to let us know who will be collecting your child and have a password system if there is a person collecting your child that we have not met.

    If your child has regular medication such as an inhaler, we will ask you to sign to give us permission to administer the medication. Please let us know if your child has any allergies.

    We follow the Health Protection Agency Guidance for exclusions due to illness. If your child is ill and requires medicine, such as antibiotics, during the day, we ask that you keep them at home or make alternative childcare arrangements for at least the first 2 days of taking the medication. After sickness or diarrhoea your child must be kept at home for at least 48 hours after the sickness has ended before returning to nursery.

    If your child falls over and hurts themselves during the day, we record this in an accident book, and will let you know what happened when you collect them. In case of a serious accident or an emergency we will ring you. Please make sure we have up to date contact details for you and another named person, so that we can contact you immediately in case of emergency.

    Health & Safety Policy