Parent consultations will take place from Wednesday 11th Dec- Friday 13th Dec for those families who have not yet seen their child's key worker. We look forward to meeting with you!

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    Learning at home

    Home -> Teaching and Learning -> Learning at home

    We believe that education is a partnership between home and nursery school. We want to work together to make sure that your child enjoys their time at nursery school and achieves their best.

    Every family will have a consultation with their child's Key Worker before they start at nursery school and this is an opportunity to share information about your child. Will ask every parent to complete a ‘What Makes Me Special’ sheet about their likes and dislikes, about the needs of your child and whether any outside agencies are working with your family.

    We hold half termly workshops for parents where you can work with your child and find out about ways to support their learning at home. Parents and carers are welcome to talk to key workers at the end of each nursery day and we hold termly spotlight parent consultation meetings where you can talk about your child’s learning and development with their Key Worker. We will invite you to join us for celebration events and trips and outings over the year and hope that you will be able to attend these with your child.

    We provide a newsletter every half term which keeps you updated about events and includes information about what the children will be learning about as well as ideas for learning activities at home.

    Each child has an on-line Learning Journal called Tapestry. This is a record of their progress, and includes observations and photographs of the child playing and learning. Your child’s Key Worker will upload 2 wow moments per term. Parents and carers are given a log in and are invited to contribute to their child’s Learning Journal with things they have been doing at home. This helps us to get a better understanding of your child’s learning and development and to plan activities to support and extend it. We encourage parents to read to their child every day and children choose a book to share at home each week. Parents are invited to upload photographs and comments about the book they have read together to their child's Tapestry page.

    Birmingham Early Years Networks | Home Learning

    Click on the link above to access resources to support learning at home.


    How every child can thrive by five

    Molly Wright: How every child can thrive by five | TED Talk

    Click the link above to find out more


    Birmingham Early Years Networks has lots of home learning resources. Click the link below to find out more:

    Online Resources — Birmingham Early Years Networks


    BBC Bitesize has lots of early years resources for learning at home. Click the link below to find out more:

    Early years resources for learning at home - BBC Bitesize 


    Hungry Little Minds is a government website that has lots of fun activities for children aged 0-5. Click on the link below to find out more:

    Hungry Little Minds – Simple fun, activities for kids aged 0 – 5 (


    BBC Tiny Happy People has lots of ideas to develop your child's communication skills. Click the link below to to find out more:

    Activities for babies, toddlers and children - BBC Tiny Happy People


    National Literacy Trust Words for Life has lots of ideas to help support your child's literacy development. Click the link below to find out more:

    Parents and families | National Literacy Trust


    Love My Books is a website that provides activities and resources for you to enjoy books together with your child. Click the link below to find out more:


    Libraries from Home is a website where you can find online rhymetimes and storytimes to support your child's language and literacy. Click the link below to find out more:

    Libraries from home | Libraries Connected


    Woodland Trust There is a wide range of excellent activities to carry out with your child at home which you can access through the Woodland Trust website. Click the link below to find out more:

    Planting and growing You can find tips on the Royal Horticultural Society website. Click the link below to find out more:


    What to Expect in the Early Years Foundation Stage - a guide for parents

     Click on the link below:

    What to expect in the EYFS


    Information sheets to support your child’s learning at home

    Click on the following links to access our Information Sheets to support your child’s learning at home


    Home learning:


    Lighting a Lamp Home Learning


    Gruffalo Home learning


    Stickman Home Learning


    Goldilocks Home Learning


    The Gingerbread Man Home Learning


    Pantosaurus Home Learning


    Jack and The Beanstalk Home Learning


    The Little Red Hen Home Learning


    We're Going on an Egg Hunt


    The Very Hungry Caterpillar


    The Bad Tempered Ladybird


    Whatever Next


    We're Going On A Bear Hunt