Early Years Pupil Premium
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Early Years Pupil Premium
Early Years Pupil Premium was introduced by government to help early years settings close the attainment gap between the most disadvantaged children and their peers. At the end of Reception, fewer children eligible for Free School Meals achieve a “good level of development” (GLD) than children who are not eligible. EYPP provides around £300 per eligible child and is intended to make a difference by having extra targeted strategies for the rate of progress these children make, and by ensuring practitioners focus specifically on these children’s progress.
For more information about whether you are eligible, please click on the following link: https://www.cloudforedu.org.uk/oeypp/birmingham
We considered The Education Endowment Foundation research that outlines which interventions have been found to be most effective in improving outcomes for children.
- Communication and language approaches Average impact +6 months progress
- Earlier starting age Average impact +6 months progress
- Early numeracy approaches Average impact +6 months progress
- Play-based learning Average impact +5 months progress
- Self-regulation strategies Average impact +5 months progress
- Parental engagement Average impact +4 months progress
- Early literacy approaches Average impact +4 months progress
- Digital technology Average impact +4 months progress
- Physical development approaches Average impact +3 months progress
- Social and emotional learning strategies Average impact +3 months progress
- Extra hours Average impact +3 months progress
Children eligible for Early Year Pupil Premium (EYPP)
43% of our children are eligible for Early Years Pupil Premium.
Identified Needs
The needs of children eligible for Early Years Pupil Premium were identified through baseline data analysis.
We use the Early Years Pupil Premium funding to provide targeted interventions:
- All eligible children: Weekly Groovy Mover sessions – working on Listening and attention, Literacy, Self-regulation & PSED
- All eligible children: Weekly Forest School sessions
- All eligible children: Subsidised end of year trip with parents
- Children at risk of language delay: additional adult directed support and intervention
- Children who require support with co-regulation are supported either in small groups or through 1:1 support