Parent consultations will take place from Wednesday 11th Dec- Friday 13th Dec for those families who have not yet seen their child's key worker. We look forward to meeting with you!

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    Home -> Key Information -> Safeguarding

    Article 19: Governments must do all they can to ensure that children are protected from all forms of violence, abuse, neglect and mistreatment by their parents or anyone else who looks after them.
    At Goodway Nursery School, our Designated Safeguarding Leads are:
    Alicia Corpe, Sally Davies, Lucy Collins, Inez James, Iram Kamal, Susan Hughes & Debbie Coates. 
    Our nominated Governors  for Safeguarding and Child Protection is: Tamarah March
    At Goodway Nursery School the safety and well being of children is of the highest importance to us. We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the well being of all children, and expect our staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
    We aim to support the development of children’s confidence, resilience, security and ability to explore and learn and provide an environment in which they feel respected, safe, secure, and valued. We teach children about keeping themselves safe using the NSPCC toolkit the Underwear Rule and support parents with keeping children safe on line.
    Staff are well trained in the need to safeguard children and of their responsibilities to identify and report possible cases of abuse and have effective working relationships with other agencies involved in safeguarding children. Alicia Corpe is our Designated Safeguarding Lead and we have six further Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads: Sally Davies, Lucy Collins, Debbie Coates, Inez James, Susan Hughes and Iram Kamal. All staff employed by the nursery school have enhanced criminal records checks.
    All concerns are logged using a secure on line monitoring system called My Concern. When the school has concerns about a child, our DSL team will decide what steps should be taken.
    We use Right Help, Right Time to help us make professional judgements about when and how to support children and families. We offer Early Help, which means taking action to support a child, young person or their family early in the life of a problem, as soon as it emerges. We will access support from other agencies as soon as a problem emerges to ensure the child gets the right response, and the right services, from the right people at the right time. Our aim is to meet need early and avoid a problem escalating or the need increasing.
    We uphold the principles and values outlined in The Prevent Strategy for combating extremism and our staff are trained in the forms that extremist behaviours may take. Systems are in place to address concerns regarding extremism, FGM, sexual exploitation of children and child trafficking as well as other forms of abuse. 
    Please let us know if you have any concerns about your child’s safety or welfare, and let us know if your child has had an accident or hurt themselves at home.  If you have any concerns about a child’s safety, please let one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads know immediately.
    If you have any concerns that a child  is being harmed or is at risk of harm or if you receive a disclosure you must contact senior staff immediately.

    We ask you to avoid using mobile phones or any device with image creation and sharing capacity within the Nursery School. We believe that the drop off and collection of young children should be a special time that focuses on the children.
    Safeguarding Documentation
    Safeguarding Policy Goodway Nursery School 2024
    Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024 Part 1
    Designated Safeguarding Lead Certificates:
    Designated Safeguarding Lead Certificate Sally
    Designated Safeguarding Lead Certificate Alicia
    Designated Safeguarding Lead Certificate Lucy
    Designated Safeguarding Lead Certificate Debbie
    Designated Safeguarding Lead Certificate Inez
    Designated Safeguarding Lead Certificate Sue
    Designated Safeguarding Lead Certificate Iram
    Safeguarding Training Certificates 2022-2025:
    Goodway Nursery School Annual Refresher Safeguarding Certificate 24-25
    Safer Recruitment Training Certificate Lucy
    Safer Recruitment Training Certificate Sue
    Safer Recruitment Training Certificate Alicia
    Safer Recruitment Training Certificate Sally
    Safer Recruitment Training Certificate Craig
    Specific Safeguarding Issues Awareness Training Certificates:
    Prevent Certificate
    Fabricated & Induced Illness Certificate
    The Impact of Domestic Abuse on Children Certificate
    Modern Slavery Awareness Certificate
    FGM and Breast Ironing Awareness Certificate
    Handling Disclosures Certificate
    Working With Resistant Families Training Certificate
    Operation Encompass Certificate Sally
    Operation Encompass Certificate Alicia
    Raising Awareness of Children with Family Members in Prison
    Raising Awareness of Spirit Possession, Witchcraft and Safeguarding
    Review of Safeguarding Practice Learning Reviews
    Paediatric First Aid Certificates:
    Paediactric First Aid Certificate Iram
    Paediactric First Aid Certificate Georgina
    Paediactric First Aid Certificate Jess
    Paediactric First Aid Certificate Courtney
    Paediactric First Aid Certificate Debbie C
    Paediactric First Aid Certificate Debbie G
    Paediactric First Aid Certificate Inez
    Paediactric First Aid Certificate Alicia
    Paediactric First Aid Certificate Hana
    Paediactric First Aid Certificate Zarina
    Paediactric First Aid Certificate Sarah E
    Paediactric First Aid Certificate Keisha
    Paediactric First Aid Certificate Hannah
    First Aid at Work Certificate Inez
    Mental Health First Aid Debbie Coates
    Useful Links For Families:
    NSPCC The Underwear Rule
    Educate Against Hate – Protecting Children from Radicalisation & Extremism
    NSPCC Safeguarding training for parents
    Child Accident Prevention Trust
    CEOP Education 4-7 year olds
    You can contact CASSChildren's Advice and Support Service, on 0121 303 1888. The Children's Advice and Support Service (CASS) provides a single point of contact for professionals and members of the public who want to seek support or raise concerns about a child.
    Opening hours:
    Monday to Thursday: 8:45am to 5:15pm
    Friday: 8:45am to 4:15pm
    Telephone: 0121 303 1888
    Emergency out-of-hours:
    Telephone: 0121 675 4806