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    Rights Respecting School

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    We are a Rights Respecting School

    The Rights Respecting Schools Award is a Unicef programme that aims to put children’s rights at the heart of schools work. The award helps our children to grow into confident, caring and responsible young citizens both in school and within the wider community.

    We are very proud to be one of very few  nursery schools in the country to have achieved our Gold Unicef Rights Respecting School Award. Children’s rights thread through our school ethos and culture, developing children’s understanding of their rights and the rights of others.

    Children’s rights are:

    UNIVERSAL – Rights are for all children all over the world

    INHERENT – All children are born with these rights

    INALIENABLE – Rights cannot be taken away

    UNCONDITIONAL – Rights do not have to be earnt

    INDIVISABLE – All rights are equally important

    We aim to develop children’s awareness of their rights, and develop their awareness of the rights of others, helping them to become ‘global citizens’.

    Staff listen to children and children show respect for each other and for adults. We explain key rights to children through group time discussions, encouraging them to recognise rights by looking at and talking about pictures from UNICEF and elsewhere. We use the language of rights in everyday situations and encourage children to make choices and decisions about their learning and each of our staff team has a right that they champion. We encourage children to reflect on how their behaviour affects those around them, and use a conflict resolution approach to give children the skills to resolve their conflicts, building a positive and safe learning environment for all.

    A Rights Champion is chosen for each key group and these children think about how rights are being met and changes they would like to see in the school at the Steering Group.

    We talk to families about rights and parents sign a Parents' Charter when their child starts at nursery school. Children learn about their rights at home with our ‘Rights Respecting' soft toy, that represents each key group, named after an endangered species (Elephants, Seals, Wolves, Lions, Sun Bears and Tigers) and parents are encouraged to add photos of what they have done at home to promote a right to Tapestry, our on line Learning Journal or add pictures to the folder. 

    We value each child's identity and family history, using a world map to display different parts of the world our families have come from.

    Each key group has a puppet that has its own identity, and this is used to discuss our charters with children and also challenging issues.

    Our Steering Group, including children governors, parents and carers and staff ensures that children’s rights are reflected in our teaching and learning as well as our values and ethos.

    Children are encouraged to consider their own environment and to think about the rights of children in other countries, but also be aware that children may not be always have their rights met, for instance where healthy food, clean water or education are not available for all children.

    UN Convention on the Rights of the Child consists of 54 articles based around children’s rights to development, participation, protection and survival.

    At Goodway Nursery School we focus in particular upon the following rights:

    Charters for Rights

    We have created charters with the children to help them to understand how their rights are met at Goodway Nursery School.

    Click on the following links to see some of our charters:

    Charter for Keeping Safe

    Charter for Behaviour

    Charter for Using the Toilet

    Charter for Lunch Time

    Charter for Snack Time

    Charter for Group Time

    Charter for Leadership Roles

    Charter for Well-being

    Charter for Forest School

    Charter for Reading

    Charter for Block Play

    Charter for Painting

    Charter for Water Play

    Charter for Putting on our Coats

    Charter for Mark Making

    Parents' Charter


    Developing a rights respecting culture at Goodway Nursery School

    Click on the link to see how we developed a rights respectring culture at Goodway Nursery School

    Developing a Rights Respecting Culture at Goodway Nursery School


    Rights Respecting School Gold Accreditation Report

    Click on the link to read our Gold accreditation report outlining how we teach children about their rights and the rights of others.


    Goodway Nursery School Gold Rights Respecting School Award



    Realising the Rights of Every Child

    Click on the link to see a short video explaining about children's rights




    Click on the following links to access the Child Friendly UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Summary:

    Child Friendly UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Summary


    Click on the following links to access Unicef Rights Respecting School Award



    Click on the following link to view our rights and values 

    Goodway Rights and Values 


    Click on the following link to see This is Me: Article 31 - A child's right to play

    This Is Me : Article 31 and a Child's Right to Play - YouTube