Tales Toolkit
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What is Tales Toolkit?
We use tales toolkit to develop children’s communication and language skills. Through the resources, children tell their own stories. Stories about the things that interest them, stories that use props and materials from their world. Keeping materials open-ended encourages imaginative play. In Tales Toolkit, anything can be part of a story, from a wooden spoon to a favourite toy making links with hobbies, cultures, and the natural world.
Tales Toolkit focusses on four key areas for storytelling:
Character – who the story is about?
Setting – where the story will happen?
Problem – what problems will the characters face?
Solution – how will they solve the problem to get to the happy ending?
We use 4 different objects – one for each of the areas – and use these objects to tell a story. The children have all enjoyed their special storytelling times and are all very eager to help with the story telling.
Tales Toolkit is part of our evidence based approach to communication and language and we are taking part in the staff training and trialling this with our two year old class.