British Values
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We promote British Values of Democracy, the Rule of Law, Individual Liberty and Mutual Respect and Tolerance throughout our curriculum.
Click here to see our British Values Statement:
British Values at Goodway Nursery School
British Values Summary Goodway Nursery School
- Sharing ideas & experiences
- Decision making and children’s ideas for planning activities
- Voting for venue of Summer trip
- Voting for our Rights Champions
- Children & families become part of the Goodway Nursery School community
The Rule of Law
- Learning routines at nursery
- Gaining an understanding of and adhering to expectations and boundaries, which are shared with parents
- Learning about children's rights under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
- Leadership roles for children - Leader; Helper; Eco Warrior; Rights Champion
Individual Liberty
- Learning about our identities and cultures
- Children have the choice to choose any activities or resources in the indoor and outdoor environments
- Open-ended resources mean that children can shape their development through their own interests
- Celebrating the uniqueness of all children
Mutual Respect and tolerance
- We teach children about their rights under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and are a Rights Respecting School
- Using a Conflict Resolution approach to managing conflict between children
- Key group times facilitate listening to each others’ ideas and experiences
- Learning to say 'Hello' in a variety of languages
- Learning to take turns
- Learning to share and play cooperatively
- Using ‘Kind Hands’ and ‘Kind Words’
- Understanding that all children have individual needs
- Using positive images reflecting the cultural diversity of Great Britain
- Using resources reflecting multicultural/ multi-faith Britain
- Celebrating our similarities and differences
- Celebrating special days and festivals
- Charity & Food bank collections & involve children in sorting & delivering food donations
- Link with international school – sending emails & cards